Located in the Opportunity District, the Latvian Pavilion is made to guide you through Latvia’s story, showcase the offer of Latvian companies and be a place where new cooperation is born.

The ground floor is offering the visitors a taste of the place we come from. We make use of digital and audio effects and lighting to guide visitors through four different rooms that each tells a story about Latvian people, their achievements and everything our country has to offer.
The visitors are able to immerse themselves in the country’s unique synergy between nature and human achievements. The presentation is based on Latvia’s three core values: 1) connectivity - the synergy among cultures, transit, technology, and people; 2) challenge - the ability to solve complex tasks quickly, efficiently and at a globally competitive level; 3) a discovery platform - the environment for the development of new products and innovations. The element that holds the story together is peat – a material Latvia is rich in and that symbolically guides through Latvia’s past into its future achievements.
The exhibition reveals various dimensions of Latvia as a place for growth. The first room shows Latvia as a young and energetic country with great opportunities for growth, and the second room aims to showcase the country’s unique offer. The third one is all about our ability to connect the unconnectable, thus creating value. Room #4 is presenting the explorer gene and Latvians’ ability to innovate.

To avoid crowding in the exhibition premises, eight visitors are allowed per room and a total of 16 people are allowed to occupy the premises. The whole experience of the exhibition takes 12 minutes.
The second floor is used as Business Premises. Here, Latvian companies are presenting their latest creations in such industries as ICT, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, innovative construction materials, transport and logistics, food, etc.
The authors of the pavilion are the SOIL team which consists of three Latvian companies: DJA, SOLAVI and AD PRODUCTION.
